Building website - coding from scratch or using CMS?

There are two main approaches to creating websites – writing code directly or using a content management system (CMS). So what should you consider before making a decision?
Looking for the right website builder and CMS?
Let's combine all the website builder pros in one place and provide you with a one-stop web development solution on demand!
Looking for the right website builder and CMS?
You’ve probably heard about the most prominent ones. And from your research you’ll have noticed that they all have their pros and cons. What if you could combine all their pros into a single program? One that provides you with a one-stop web development solution on demand?
Your wish has come true. Welcome to Web On Demand!
Web on Demand gives you everything you need to build the sites your clients want. Create anything from simple, smaller sites to large e-commerce web presences.
Web On Demand provides:
- Domains
- HostingYou won’t need any plugins. No PHP or coding knowledge is needed. But if you do know at least the basics of HTML, CSS, or Java, you can have even more fun creating and enjoying more features.
E-commerce sites are easily extensible and remain fast-loading. Every feature, from Google Sheets imports to PayPal or currency settings, is fully and easily adjustable by clients.